Friday, August 31, 2012

Frame Project

I think that the final piece turned out alright. I had one or two little problems but overall, it was okay. I think that this piece is pretty successful. I like how the dinosaur pops out of the frame. What did work about this project was getting the dinosaur to come out of the frame. That took some time but it turned out alright. What didn't work was that when I tried to add a shadow, it shadowed the whole picture so I just ended up trashing the idea. If I were to do this project over again, I would try to make the frame over my body into an x-ray type thing. The most difficult part about this piece was cropping out all the parts outside of the frame so that it was just the dinosaur. I didn't really learn anything new from this piece, but I did learn how to use the skills I knew better.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Frog Mouth Tutorial

Although I had a few problems with making it, I think that this piece isn't bad. I got the colors of the tongue to blend alright with the frog. I think that this piece is a bit more successful than the Angry Pancake one and although I think I could've done better, it looks alright to me. What did work about this project was the coloring of the frog and the shadow. Those turned out alright. What didn't was that I had to redo the frog about 4 times because I kept messing up. Also, the eraser was being laggy and I would try to erase things, but it ended up not working until 30 seconds later. If I were to do this project over, I'd probably work a little more on the sizing of the frog. It's a little small in my opinion. The most difficult part about this piece was coloring the frog. I messed up 2 out of my 4 times on just coloring it and ended up having to redo the frog completely. From this piece, I learned how to crop things, resize and redirect them, and apply color from a layer to a completely different one.

Angry Pancakes Tutorial

The final piece came out better than I thought it would. Although I feel that it still doesn't look too great, I think that it's alright for my first project. I followed the tutorial pretty well and everything was pretty easy to understand so that worked out. What didn't work was the fact that the pancake turned out to be less quality than the mouth. If I were to do this over again I would probably change the mouth size. It just looks too big to me. Also, I probably would have used a different mouth all together. The most difficult part about this piece was getting the mouth to look right on the pancake. I messed up once and had to restart, then ended up resizing the mouth anyway to make it look better. From this piece, I learned how to insert things into other pictures, use a few of the Photoshop tools, and how to blend another picture into one correctly.